
i looked at a glass of wine and thought about drinking it.

So today I came home from the pool because it started raining. Rats. And I thought, "man, right now would be such a good time to have a glass of wine and sit on the porch reading and listening to the rain." I got the wine out and poured in the canada dry (remember, I am a child still and can't drink it normally), grabbed my journal and Bible and sat on the porch. The sun had already come back out and the humidity was back. I took one sip of the wine and remembered I don't like wine. So I read and then took in the heat while looking out at the sky and the trees blowing in the wind. The image was a little different than I had expected, but oh-well. None-the-less the porch time was nothing less than perfect. So now I am back inside sitting at the huge kitchen table looking at a still full glass of wine. Why have I written about this experience? I have no idea. There is really no point.

I decided to keep a mental list of the little things that bring great JOY.
1. A perfect cup of morning coffee.
2. A piece of gum (specifically spy gum, it's really FIVE gum but you should call it spy gum because it looks like something Harriet the Spy would carry) that keeps its flavor for a very long
3. Pens that write VERY well.
4. Eating breakfast in your pajamas.
5. Laughing till your stomach aches.
6. A recent thing that brought me great excitment was when my dad made me a suprise cup of coffee because he knew I would be up late working on a paper for study abroad.
7. My brother and mom came on Saturday to help me set up my room and I don't know if we had ever laughed so hard. I wish someone had been recording us. You would have laughed.
8. Morning jumps on the trampoline.
9. Surprising friends for their birthday when they have no idea.
10. Getting phone calls from people when they just wanted to tell you they were thinking about you. It's the best really.
11. That Levi Slaten sat in my lap for an hour snuggling with me while we watched Hannah Montana and that Cecilia Splichal has discovered her shadow and thinks it's scary.

There ya go, evidence of Jesus in the little things.