
a bit about the trip.

This summer will absolutely be filled with adventures. I'm grateful to my parents for giving me the chance to come on this trip. I have told them this but I really don't think they'll ever have a true understanding of how grateful. We had our last orientation on Saturday in Athens and I wanted to start jumping up and down during the middle of the meeting because I was so excited I could hardly stand it. I knew I was pumped but now I'm even MORE pumped! I have probably talked to most of you but just in case...I'll be working at a Children's Hospital in the city which is a direct answer to prayer. I'll be in the Social Services aspect for the first 4 weeks (which, I don't really know what the exact job will be so we'll have to wait and see but I am certain it will be awesome) and then get to spend some time with nurses getting familiar with the medical side of the hospital during the final week. Everyone on the trip will also spend the afternoons in class for a couple hours, mine will be spent in a Spanish Lit. class. We each live with a host family around Buenos Aires and I can't wait to meet them and spend time getting to know them and their hearts and have the chance to speak Spanish. Me and another good friend are roommates with the same family. Yes! Time not in "class", quotations because I'm 100% positive this won't be like regular UGA classes, will be spent exploring Argentina and living life as a local! There are a couple planned trips and a bunch of crazy things planned as a part of the program but I'll get back to you once we are there about those. I love all of you and am thankful for your friendships.